
First Common Good Municipality turns 10!

2023-09-30T05:54:31+02:00August 31st, 2023|

Christian Felber posing in front of the municipality sign, in May, 2013. 10th anniversary of the proclamation of Miranda de Azán as the first Municipality of the Common Good In 2010, Christian Felber published his book "The Economy of the Common Good" in which he presented an alternative and holistic model to the current [...]

Colombia steps towards the common good

2023-08-09T22:16:46+02:00August 10th, 2023|

There is a reason behind the exponential growth that the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) has experienced in Latin America, specially following the foundation of the Latin American Continental Chapter (CCLA). In the current environmental and socioeconomic landscape, more and more organisations are looking for robust, transparent and adaptable structures that guide them [...]

Eco Summer Camp 2023

2023-08-07T17:22:31+02:00August 4th, 2023|

From wild consumption to responsible engagement. For the third consecutive year, younger and seasoned professionals as well as students will come together with experts and academics from 20 to 27, August 2023, for a summer school in Lassalle-Haus in the city of Zug, Switzerland, surrounded by nature and farms. During this week-long experiential and [...]

Let’s talk ESG and Common Good

2023-08-24T14:36:51+02:00July 31st, 2023|

Anyone interested in deep talks on sustainability and economics should consider watching Techopian's ESG Show. In this weekly show, a variety of sustainability and diversity specialists and investors and moderator Michael Baxter, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Techopian question and debate responsible use of technology in implementing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies alongside various [...]

AEMS is changing the present to change the future

2023-08-18T23:15:30+02:00July 27th, 2023|

2023 AEMS Opening Event. Image credits: @Nina Hainfellne The Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) is an intensive and interdisciplinary summer learning experience that focuses on offering its students unique perspectives from New Economies through innovative approaches directly from experts that are taking these ideas from theory to practice in their respective areas of [...]

DA 2023: Stronger and needed more than ever

2023-07-29T18:54:41+02:00July 20th, 2023|

News from the ECG Delegates Assembly 2023 The Delegates Assembly (DA) is the movement’s biggest gathering. Once a year delegates from more than 170 local chapters across 35 countries are invited to vote on key questions of our globally growing organization, sharing ideas and new tools or simply network with likeminded people from around [...]

Towards a sustainable Catalan industry

2023-07-17T19:17:28+02:00July 17th, 2023|

The Catalan ECG Association (ACFEBC) organized the first edition of "Innovalors", a cycle of conferences towards a sustainable Catalan industry at the Citilab Cornellà Space in Barcelona. Entitled "Innovation for sustainability in the industry. Startups transforming the economy", the objective of this initiative was to demonstrate the working hypothesis that companies that innovate through [...]

PINE: Harvesting New Economies

2023-07-27T20:49:13+02:00July 9th, 2023|

The Introduction to New Economies Programme (PINE) is a space co-created with global references and Latin American perspectives. This unique virtual diploma in Spanish aims to explore new ways of inhabiting the planet and fostering economic systems that respect life in all its form, as it helps individuals recognize themselves as agents of change [...]

Manifesto for a post-growth economy

2023-06-17T23:05:49+02:00June 25th, 2023|

The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) spokespeople team and Youth Hub united to support a Manifesto published by Generation Climate Europe (GCE). This document calls for an intergenerationally just post-growth European economy. It explores a message proved by science and its potential solutions: the younger generations are to inherit an uninhabitable planet. Capitalism [...]

Latin American pioneers: bringing purpose to business

2024-02-04T22:00:48+01:00June 20th, 2023|

Transforming lives and building the future through the Ecogood Business Canvas Infinitea is fine tea shop in Colombia, but also a story of success and transformation. For the past 18 years, founders Ericka and Jenny Henao Jaramillo have explored connection and awareness through tea, an ancestral product with countless proven health benefits. They've made [...]

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