
Is the ECG necessary despite all the existing CSR programs?

2021-08-13T18:02:33+02:00March 27th, 2020|

Most CSR tools have shown to be ineffective because critical requirements are not fulfilled. The ECG has defined the following requirements for effective CSR: Holistic approach (covers basic constitutional values) Comprehensive Measurable Comparable Understandable External audit Legally binding

Is it realistic to establish co-determination in companies?

2021-08-13T18:02:42+02:00March 27th, 2020|

Many countries already require co-determination in large companies (such as worker's council and worker representation on the board of directors). ECG calls for expanding co-determination for three reasons: Human dignity requires all people who are involved in or are directly affected by a project to be involved in the decision-making process. Empirical research shows that worker [...]

Is it realistic to have an economy without competition?

2021-08-13T18:02:49+02:00March 27th, 2020|

Aggressive competition has many disadvantages in comparison to cooperative behavior. Rewards should be given for cooperation instead of for competitive behavior. Studies show that cooperation motivates more than competition. Cooperation works through good relationships, whereas competition is based on stress, burnout, mobbing, etc.

What is the common good?

2021-08-13T18:04:59+02:00March 27th, 2020|

There are many definitions of the common good. Within the ECG movement it is felt that society still needs to democratically determine what exactly this means. The Common Good Matrix is our current proposal for a definition of the common good, but it is not set in stone and should be adopted over time.

What is the Economy for the Common Good?

2021-08-13T18:05:02+02:00March 20th, 2020|

The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is an economic model which prioritizes a good life for all, in harmony with the wellbeing of the planet. What constitutes the common good in concrete terms is determined democratically with reference to four groups of ethical values: human dignity, solidarity and social justice, environmental sustainability, transparency and democratic [...]

Is ECG part of the scientific community?

2021-08-13T18:03:23+02:00March 20th, 2020|

The Economy for the Common Good is also increasingly active in the field of science and research. The German-speaking ECG research association takes part in research projects and develops tools to improve the Common Good Balance Sheet. For this purpose, the association operates a networking platform with more than 150 scientists. In June 2018, a scientific [...]

Where does ECG enjoy official political support?

2021-08-13T18:05:05+02:00March 20th, 2020|

The first common good communities with a Common Sheet Balance Sheet are Mäder and Nenzing in Vorarlberg, Austria. In Germany, Kirchanschöring in Upper Bavaria and the Schleswig-Holstein municipalities of Breklum, Bordelum and Klixbüll are leading the way. Baden-Württemberg, Hessen and Bremen, Germany, Salzburg, Austria and Valencia, Spain specifically support ECG in their government programs. The European [...]

How does the ECG work?

2021-08-13T18:05:08+02:00March 20th, 2020|

Companies, universities, municipalities and other organizations have the opportunity to draw up a Common Good Balance Sheet. This balance sheet is based on the Common Good Matrix, which describes 20 themes that make a company's contribution to the common good visible. Each company can achieve a maximum of 1,000 points. Thus, for the first time, the [...]

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