The organization Escodi is organizing the conference “Retail with the Economy of the Common Good” to present successful experiences of retail companies that have begun to apply the economic model of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG).

The Austrian author Christian Felber and an a global citizen’s movement are working to implement a new, sustainable, ethics-based economy. The new model seeks to change the main rules of the economic game in order to promote the values ​​and behaviors that foster human relationships. It seeks to redefine the concept of business and economic success and replace monetary measurement parameters (GDP in the case of states; or profit, in the case of companies) with parameters that measure the degree of satisfaction of consumers, employees and business partners.

Thus, the measure of business success must be made taking into account fundamental human values, quality of life factors and the satisfaction of basic needs. According to this movement, this new Economy for the Common Good must be governed, among other things, by basic principles that represent human values: trust, honesty, responsible cooperation, solidarity, generosity, and compassion. In this conference, we will present how this new model of economy can be adapted to the retail sector with a success story: a retail company that already has already completed the Common Good Balance Sheet. The conference also wants to highlight and talk about those companies that have many initiatives in the line of the Economy of the Common Good, that are aware of their social role and that seek the way to contribute to society through actions to reduce the environmental impact and improve its social impact.

Five companies will present their experiences.